Entries by aQui Mizrahi

Acupuncture as Preventative Medicine

“The sages of antiquity did not treat those who were already sick, but those who were not sick… When a disease has already broken out and is only then treated, would that not be just as late as to wait for thirst before digging a well, or to wait to go into battle before casting […]

Don’t Let Pain Put a Damper on Your Winter

Like it or not, winter is just around the corner. Some folks love the winter and embrace the chance to enjoy the outdoor activities only available during this season. Others recoil at the thought of ice, snow, and cold wind. One thing we can all agree on is that winter injuries can be debilitating. How […]

Acupuncture & Sports Injuries

We’ve all been there. The weather is perfect, you’ve managed to carve out some time for yourself, and you are enjoying the best run, ride, hike, swim, or climb you have had in months. And then you feel it. That quick pain that lets you know you have just done something ever so slightly wrong and injured […]